Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Vessels of Mercy

I am SO excited about the next two weeks. I am going back to were it all started for me here on the island, back to the Vessels of Mercy Community Hospital. The hospital that i worked to help build for almost two months is finally opening its doors for its first clinic. This is a very excited time but also a very sad one. As some of you may know Bob Philips, the man behind this project passed away several week ago, So as you can see it is great to open it but sad because he is not here to see his hard work finished. As i have spent the last few days putting the finishing touches on the building i have been thinking about how much Brother Bob taught me and how much he taught everyone he came in contact with. Everyone who knew Brother Bob that enters the building and walks through it has a little story to tell about him. Mine is a little different than most, Brother Bob taught me how to be a hard working missionary (i haven't mastered it yet like him but i am working on it) and he also taught me that no matter how many buildings we build it all means nothing if we don't serve the Lord and lead the unsaved to him. That is the entire message behind the Vessels of Mercy Community Hospital, bring the sick people in and help them with there physical need then help them with there spiritual needs. Brother Bob never pushed his own agenda or the church on people, He just wanted them to know Jesus. So as the next two week progress i hope that we are able to have the clinic and meet the physical need of everyone that walks through the door but more than that i hope we can do what Brother Bob wanted us to do and meet every spiritual need that walks through the door.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ross: I'm so proud of you and your mission work. Yes, how exciting it will be to reopen the clinic. Wish I were there with you!

May God continue to bless you in every way and give you strength, courage and safety.

I love you.
Aunt Gwen