Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Here We Go Again

It has been a busy month. It started with getting the Vessels of Mercy Community Hospital ready for the clinic the following week. We spent most of that week cleaning up and doing stuff around there. The next week we had two doctor and two nurses that came from the US for the clinic where we saw over 500 people in 4 days. We were also able to lead 15 people to the Lord. I work in the Lab in the clinic helping take blood pressures and blood sugar. It was so much fun and we were able to help so many people. I was sad when the clinic was over. The next week i had big plans but they were all changed when the people of the island decided they were going to riot because of the big increases in the power bills. This forced us to stay in our homes for the entire week and we lost power for most of that time, at one point we were without power for 48 hours. But with that resolved I am getting ready for the next week, i have enrolled in Certificate In Ministerial Studies class (CIMS). These are a number of courses that you take and at the conclusion you are awarded a Certificate in Ministry by the Church of God.I will be attending this class everyday next week. Then the week of the 23rd i will be helping the owner of the local christian bookstore. While she is out of town for the week i will be managing it. These past two months have been amazing and i have been able to grow in the Lord so much. Please keep me in your prayers.

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